Category: News
Breast Surgery After Children
Having children is one of the great joys of life. They do however exact a toll on the body of the mother. The two main areas affected by childbirth and breastfeeding are the breasts and abdomen. This article will address the breasts and a separate article will address the abdomen.
As a Plastic Surgeon of over 25 years experience, I know all my patients are individuals in their physical characteristics and in their personal desires and their goals.
Women come in all different shapes and sizes....Read More
What to expect from Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery) recovery
Some people who have tried countless diets and exercises to address the extra skin and fat from the stomach and have been unsuccessful, may want to consider Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery). Abdominoplasty can be performed to contour the waistline and remove unwanted skin. While most patients find the results to be worth it, you should be aware that abdominoplasty surgery requires an extensive recovery time. Dr. Perkins believes all of his patients should have accurate expectations of what to expect from...Read More