05th Jun, 2013

Fat Grafting / Transfer

injection2As patients begin to notice signs of aging on the face, many consider the benefits of plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments. Cosmetic injections and dermal fillers are a good option for patients who do not wish to undergo plastic surgery. However, some patients are still hesitant about introducing foreign materials into the body. At Dr. Darrell Perkins’ Sydney cosmetic surgery practice, fat grafting treatment is offered as a more natural alternative to cosmetic injections and dermal fillers.

What Is Fat Grafting?

Much like cosmetic injections and dermal fillers, fat grafting is a treatment option for patients who desire a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Dr. Perkins can perform fat grafting treatment to smooth lines and wrinkles, fill in sunken facial features, and contour to the face. What sets fat grafting apart from cosmetic injections and dermal fillers is that fat grafting provides these benefits by using the patient’s own body fat. For patients in Sydney, liposuction is performed (typically to the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs) to harvest fat for the fat grafting procedure. This fat is then cleaned and purified before being injected into the patient’s face in the area(s) that require treatment. Because the fat acts as filler, it is not an appropriate treatment for all signs of aging. Fat grafting cannot tighten or remove loose, excess skin. However, by adding fat to sunken areas of the face, Dr. Perkins can improve the contour of the face and restore lost volume. Fat grafting is especially successful in:

    • Smoothing deep lines and wrinkles
    • Plumping thin lips
    • Adding volume to the cheeks and chin

The most common side effects of fat grafting are bruising, swelling, and tenderness at the injection sites. These side effects generally fade within three to five days after treatment. While fat grafting is more invasive than typical cosmetic injections, most patients recover from the procedure and are able to return to normal activities within a week.

Benefits of Fat Grafting

There are many reasons that patients choose to undergo fat grafting treatment as opposed to other cosmetic procedures. Some of the benefits of fat grafting treatment include:

  • Patients can revitalize the facial features without any scarring.
  • Because the fat used in fat grafting is from the patient’s own body, there is no chance of an allergic reaction to the injections.
  • The results of fat grafting last longer than those of cosmetic injections or fillers. The fat injected during fat grafting should produce results that last for several years.
  • Patients can simultaneously benefit from improved contour to the body (as a result of liposuction) and improved contour to the face.

Schedule an Appointment

Patients who are considering fat grafting treatment to revitalize their facial features can schedule an appointment with Dr. Darrell Perkins to learn more. Dr. Perkins will let patients know if they are good candidates for the fat grafting procedure, as well as answer any questions patients may have.

Posted on June 5, 2013 By , in

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