01st Aug, 2012

Neck Lift Surgery Overview

woman-profileIf you want to look your best, it’s important that you eat right, exercise regularly, and take good care of your skin. Weight loss and the natural aging process can leave you looking prematurely old and with a poor overall body contour. This is very true of the neck, which many people don’t often consider. In order to remove that excess or loose skin from the neckline, your best bet is to speak with a Sydney plastic surgeon about neck lift surgery.

About Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift is a facial rejuvenation procedure that is performed specifically to target the neckline. We can determine your candidacy for a neck lift and other surgical treatments when you visit our cosmetic plastic surgery practice in Sydney.

How Neck Lift Surgery Differs from a Facelift

A facelift is performed to address wrinkles, lines, and sagging in the middle portion of the face. During a facelift, incisions tend to be made around the upper ear area in order to achieve the desired effect. The neck lift involves incisions that are placed in lower parts of the face in order for the proper adjustments to be made.

Ideal Candidates for Neck Lift Surgery

Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery are people who have issues with skin laxity and contour around the neckline. This may be due to the effects of aging or of major weight loss. This loose skin can be pronounced in both cases.

It’s also important that candidates for neck lift surgery be in good overall health and not suffer from any medical conditions that would make surgery a risky procedure. We also want to make sure that patients have realistic expectations about the effects of surgery and the overall surgical process, which leads to better patient satisfaction.

The Neck Lift Surgery Procedure

During the neck lift surgery procedure, patients are placed under general anesthetic to ensure no pain or discomfort. Incisions are made around the lower ear area and the underside of the chin. Through these incisions, excess skin is removed. In some cases, neck liposuction will also be used to assist with contouring. Once the excess tissue has been removed, the skin is tightened and sutured in place.

Additional Surgical Options to Consider

In addition to the neck lift, there are other facial lifting and contouring surgeries to consider. For instance, it’s not uncommon for the neck lift to be combined with a lower facelift, which helps address issues with the jowls. Combination facial rejuvenation surgeries are actually quite common, ensuring comprehensive wrinkle reduction and remarkable anti-aging effects.

Contact Our Plastic Surgery Center for More Information

If you would like more information about neck lift surgery and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, be sure to contact our Sydney cosmetic plastic surgery practice today.

Posted on August 1, 2012 By , in ,

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