08th Oct, 2013

Possible Complications after Liposuction

85121662-xsThough many patients are satisfied with their results after liposuction surgery, there are risks involved with treatment. Just like any surgical procedure, it’s important that patients understand the possible risks and complications associated with the surgery.

Liposuction, more commonly referred to as “lipo,” is the process by which the plastic surgeon sucks out and breaks up fat deposits in various parts of the body using a vacuum-like instrument called a cannula. By sucking out the fat, the procedure alters body shape for a more slimming result. However, the procedure can pose significant risks if too much fat is removed.

If you are thinking about undergoing liposuction, it’s important to speak with a plastic surgeon like Dr. Darrell Perkins before committing to the surgery. Dr. Perkins, serving Sydney, agrees that while many patients have found satisfaction from liposuction surgery, there are potential risks involved. Choosing an experienced surgeon like Dr. Perkins can dramatically reduce a patient’s risk of complications.

Possible risks of liposuction include:

  • Infection – After liposuction, infection may occur. Though most doctors prescribe an antibiotic, it’s important to keep the wound clean at all times and cover it when it’s still vulnerable to bacterial infection.
  • Burning – Patients undergoing ultrasound-assisted or laser liposuction procedure could suffer mild burns if the probe becomes too hot.
  • Loss of nerve sensation – Liposuction may cause a difference in sensation at the site of the liposuction. Patients could experience increased sensitivity or numbness in the area. Typically, the loss of sensation or heightened sensation goes away in a matter of weeks. However, in some cases, the changes may become permanent.
  • Seroma – Serum, or the liquid portion of your blood, might begin pooling in areas where fat was removed. This will probably drain on its own after a few weeks. If it does not get absorbed back into the body, the doctor may have to drain it.

Severe Complications

  • Embolism – When fat tissue and cells are broken up during liposuction, they could enter the blood vessels. Fat could be trapped in the blood vessels or enter the lungs and the brain. If a patient is experiencing shortness of breath, it could be a sign of fat emboli and they should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Visceral perforations – Sometimes the cannula could puncture organs during liposuction. This could require additional surgery to repair the wound.
  • Skin death – Sometimes the skin above the liposuction site could die and fall off. It’s important to keep the area clean and bacteria-free.
  • Fluid imbalance – During liposuction, the surgeon might inject fluid into the area, resulting in an imbalance. While doctors monitor your fluid levels after surgery, fluid could collect after you return home.
  • Anesthesia toxicity – Anesthesia can often cause complications in surgery. If high doses of anesthesia are injected, or the anesthesia reacts poorly with other medications in the system, it could result in complications.

Dr. Darrell Perkins is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in liposuction. He is known for his personalized service, high ethical standards, and patient education. Dr. Perkins and his team of cosmetic surgery specialists understand each patient’s needs and strive to deliver satisfaction. At his practice, Dr. Perkins believes that patients should understand all aspects of a surgery before making an informed decision. For more information about liposuction risks or to schedule a consultation, contact the office today!

Posted on October 8, 2013 By , in ,

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