Category: Facelift

Ideal Candidates Can Rejuvenate Their Appearance with Facelift Surgery

As we age, it’s common to begin to look older than we feel. Facelift surgery can rejuvenate your appearance and reduce the signs of aging. If wrinkles and sagging skin are causing you grief, you may be a candidate for facelift surgery.

Facelift Surgery Candidates

Facelift surgery can help reverse years of aging, creating a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Candidates can generally fall between 40 and 70 years old, however, facelifts surgery may be performed on younger or older patients....Read More

Posted on September 9, 2014 By Lucy Colak in ,

Achieve a More Youthful Appearance with the Short Scar Facelift Technique

Facelifts, like all medical treatment, are constantly evolving and improving. At our Sydney practice, we are proud to offer the short scar or limited incision facelift, an innovative technique that can give you a much younger appearance with smaller incisions and shorter recovery time. If you are looking to address the area around your cheeks and jowls, this state-of-the-art procedure may be the right one for you.

The Incision Pattern

The short scar facelift, also known as the MACS-lift (Minimal...Read More

Posted on June 9, 2014 By Lucy Colak in ,

Common Side Effects after Facelift Surgery

Overcoming the physical signs of aging, such as sagging and creases in your face, may be your goal, but you should approach a surgical solution with your eyes wide open.

Side effects are to be expected with any surgical procedure and facelifts are no different. For most, however, the side effects are temporary. But each person’s recovery from surgery is unique and how you respond depends on a variety of factors, such as genetics, overall health, and lifestyle, as well as smoking, which interferes...Read More

Posted on January 7, 2014 By Lucy Colak in ,

Anti-aging Plastic Surgery Procedures

If You Don’t Feel Your Age, Why Should You Look It?

A more youthful, vibrant appearance has been incessantly pursued by men and women around the world since the beginning of time. And why wouldn’t it be? It is only natural that an individual, man or woman, would want to capture their best self to present to the world. Studies have shown that feeling good about one’s outward appearance increases confidence in one’s self as well.

In Sydney, anti-aging plastic surgery can serve to make your...Read More

The Differences Among Facial Lifting Procedures

When you go to a plastic surgeon to enhance the appearance of your face, there are different options that need to be considered. In fact, when you go in for a facelift, you are really looking at different kinds of targeted facial lift options that can be performed. The team at our Sydney plastic surgery practice would like to take the next few minutes to cover the different kinds of facial lift surgeries and just what they can accomplish for a patient.


The facelift is the facial lift surgery...Read More

Posted on March 1, 2011 By Lucy Colak in , , ,