Category: Liposuction


Liposuction is a great treatment for those unwanted fatty bulges that just don’t go away, no matter how much you diet or exercise. It is great for changing undesirable contours but it is not for weight loss.



We are basically born with a certain number of fat cells that are distributed in certain areas. If you put on weight, individual fat cells get fatter, but they don’t multiply. We are born with a certain body shape and tend to store fat...Read More

Posted on July 16, 2018 By Lucy Colak in , ,

Tone Your Body with Liposuction in Sydney

Often people struggle with maintaining their ideal body weight and are unable to find an exercise or diet regimen that fits with their lifestyle.  You may find yourself covering up at the pool, ashamed of your weight and curves.  No one should live their life ashamed of their shape.  It is never too late to consider body contouring liposuction that leaves you with beautiful results.  Restore your life and body today with Dr. Darrell Perkins’s liposuction in Sydney.  His office offers liposuction...Read More

Posted on April 6, 2017 By Lucy Colak in ,

Improve the Shape of Your Body with Abdominal Liposuction

If you constantly cover up at the pool, dress in dark clothing, and conceal your stomach under layers of clothing, belly fat may be affecting your confidence. Whether you have “baby weight” leftover from pregnancy or you’ve always been round across the middle, extra fat in the abdominal area can negatively affect your well-being and appearance. If you’ve tried diet and exercise, but you’ve seen no results, perhaps you should think about professional assistance with weight loss. Consider reshaping...Read More

Posted on August 9, 2014 By Lucy Colak in , , , ,

Possible Complications after Liposuction

Though many patients are satisfied with their results after liposuction surgery, there are risks involved with treatment. Just like any surgical procedure, it’s important that patients understand the possible risks and complications associated with the surgery.

Liposuction, more commonly referred to as “lipo,” is the process by which the plastic surgeon sucks out and breaks up fat deposits in various parts of the body using a vacuum-like instrument called a cannula. By sucking out the fat, the...Read More

Posted on October 8, 2013 By Lucy Colak in ,

Thigh Lift Surgery

Many patients choose to lead healthy lifestyles; making good nutritional choices and getting regular exercise. However, even these healthy choices cannot guarantee us the body that patients desire. When the skin has stretched and begun to sag as a result of weight changes or aging, it can’t be eliminated through diet and exercise alone. The thighs, in particular, are an area of the body in which excess skin may be a problem. At Dr. Darrell Perkin’s Sydney cosmetic surgery practice, thigh lift surgery is...Read More

Posted on May 1, 2013 By Lucy Colak in , ,

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

Have you ever looked at yourself in a full-length mirror and thought, “I’d be pretty happy with the way I look if only I could get rid of these bulges of fat”? Do you exercise and diet, hoping to lose those lumpy pockets of fat in the abdominal region or on the buttocks, only to get discouraged because they never seem to get any smaller? If so, you may be a suitable candidate for liposuction.

At the Sydney cosmetic surgery centre of Dr. Darrell Perkins, a slimmer, trimmer you may be just a...Read More

Posted on February 5, 2013 By Lucy Colak in ,

Anti-aging Plastic Surgery Procedures

If You Don’t Feel Your Age, Why Should You Look It?

A more youthful, vibrant appearance has been incessantly pursued by men and women around the world since the beginning of time. And why wouldn’t it be? It is only natural that an individual, man or woman, would want to capture their best self to present to the world. Studies have shown that feeling good about one’s outward appearance increases confidence in one’s self as well.

In Sydney, anti-aging plastic surgery can serve to make your...Read More